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Office Supplies, Part III

In parts I and II of this lesson, we talked about office supplies that are not specifically related to the ever-present digital devices in the workplace and at school. Let's take a look today, in the final installment of this topic, at some more German names for office items that may be new to you.


Das ist ein Umschlag und das ist die Briefmarke.

This is an envelope and this is the stamp.

Caption 22, Nicos Weg: Das hört sich gut an!

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You probably knew der Umschlag (or der Briefumschlag) and die Briefmarke already, although these days we use them far less frequently than in the stone age of the pre-digital era.


Die häng ich immer an so eine Pinnwand und dafür brauch ich eine Pinnnadel.

I always hang them on a pinboard like this one, and for that I need a push-pin.

Captions 57-58, Deutsch mit Eylin Dinge auf meinem Schreibtisch - Part 2

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Die Pinnnadel is one of those German words with three consonant letters in a row, although in this case, the spelling Pinn-Nadel is also grammatically acceptable. Eine Pinnnadel usually has a round or oblong plastic head, as opposed to its flat-headed cousin der Reißnagel (or die Reißzwecke), which is a thumbtack. The advantage of push-pins is that they are much easier to pull out of harder surfaces like wood than thumbtacks are.


O nein, das ist Lisas Mappe. Bringt Lisa die Mappe.

Oh no, that's Lisa's folder. Bring the folder to Lisa.

Captions 22-23, Nicos Weg: Mein Beruf

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Eine Mappe is usually a simple folder that can hold loose papers.


Auf Ihrem Arbeitsplatz werden Sie einen Ordner namens „Deutsche Werbung“ finden.

On your desktop, you'll find a folder with the name "German Advertising."

Caption 39, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch

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So while both die Mappe and der Ordner are usually translated as "folder," eine Mappe usually means a large ring binder that most Germans use to store important paperwork such as tax documents. In Berlin, I've often noticed that non-Europeans tend to prefer filing cabinets or pouches, but somewhere in most German homes you will find a wall of bookshelves filled with Ordner. I'm doing my best to avoid an unfortunate pun on the unfortunate German cliché Ordnung muss sein. It's just not true, at least if you're creatively inclined.


Du siehst, ich liebe Büromaterial, und ich liebe es auch, Ordnung zu halten auf meinem Schreibtisch.

You see, I love office supplies, and I also love keeping order on my desk.

Captions 68-69, Deutsch mit Eylin: Dinge auf meinem Schreibtisch

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At least some people are capable of keeping their desk clean! The term der Schreibtisch is outdated for many of us, as we barely even write anymore, at least in the sense of taking a pen or pencil in hand. Another common German word for "office supplies" is der Bürobedarf, which is usually also what shops are called that sell them.


Further Learning
Review our other two newsletters about office supplies and test your knowledge of the German words for the vast array of articles that are commonly used in office situations. Then go to the videos above on Yabla German and see these words in the context in which they are used.

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